Furlesque 2021


Drinks, friends, socializing, and dance. A lot of you come to the Rendezvous to talk, relax, and have a chill time. We’re giving you that again and making it even better. We bought out the whole place! The upstairs area and bar will be for conversation and socializing with chill music on the stage. The downstairs bar and hall will be for dancing with some of your favorite local furry DJs. The ENTIRE venue is ours: upstairs, downstairs, the stages, the whole front bar area, the booths, everything! Full dinner and cocktail menu available.


And something new for just this event! As an optional add-on to your ticket, join us from 9-10 pm in the Main Stage area for Ménage à Fur; an animal-themed, burlesque, special event with local dancers to excite your senses and mind. Tickets to Ménage à Fur are limited to just 65 people! Attending Ménage à Fur requires an extra $25 add-on to your ticket.


Want to be a Golden Paw VIP? Furlesque Golden Paw tickets will get you line skipping powers on entry to the venue, a special lanyard, a cooler badge, AND A VIP BAR LINE FOR FASTER DRINK SERVICE AT THE UPSTAIRS BAR! Also, if you are a Golden Paw and decide to attend Ménage à Fur you will enjoy priority seating for the show and photos with the dancers. ONLY 40 OF THESE ARE AVAILABLE.


Grab your coat, get your hat, dress, or freshly fluffed paws. Leave your worries on the doorstep. Grab your friends and join us for FURLESQUE!