You Don't Have To Fight For Your Right To Party
You have rights when you party with FetchNW. They are as powerful as the beat of the songs we dance to. There are also some things we ask of you that keep the parties alive and flowing. We need your help to do that.
We take photos and videos of our parties for use on social media and marketing. You have the right to opt-out. Let us know when you enter a party and you’ll be given a wristband. You can also go to the merch/info booth anytime to request one after you enter. Anyone wearing that wristband will avoided, blurred or otherwise not posted as much as possible.
But please be aware:
- This may not be possible for things like group photos or if we can’t see your wristband.
- Other guests or members of the general public may take photos or video of you and we can’t control that.
Wear what you want…with a few exceptions. First, our dress code for all events is no exposed butts nor genitalia. Next, the places we visit may have their own rules and we’ll tell you about those.
Please don’t wear stuff with hate speech or hostile messages. We like our happy and chill vibes around here. Ask if you have questions about your threads.
Consent isn’t just sexy. CONSENT IS EVERYTHING. Get consent before you bump, grind, touch, grope, kiss, smack, or whatever else. Clothing, fursuits, gear, or costumes do not equal consent. Only consent is consent.
If you need to know more, just click here and remember: Consent is like tea.
We want you to be safe. You can’t have fun if you’re not. But anybody who promises you are 100% safe anywhere isn’t being honest. We promise we will take the right steps to provide as safe of a space as we can for you. We promise to do whatever we can to help you when you come to us with a problem. But we CAN’T help you if we don’t know something is wrong.
Fetch will take action against individuals who are creating an unsafe space in our chat or our events through the use of hate speech, harassment, or engaging in behavior with others in our chats or events without consent. If you are unsafe or see unsafe behaviors happening, let us know immediately. Don’t wait. Talk to us so we can help.
It is not, however, FetchNW’s responsibility to solve your interpersonal problems. FetchNW is not able to prevent the attendance of a person unless they pose a specific, credible threat to the event or its attendees. If an individual stalks, harasses, or attempts to assault you at one of our events, report it immediately to our staff or venue security. All matters reported are dealt with seriously and may become a criminal matter depending on the severity of the report.
Responsibility for settling a personal dispute lies solely with the with the parties involved and any relevant authorities.
Also, don’t punch, kick, shove, spit on, or drug other people at the party.
Be safe with yourself. Be safe with others.
If you bring it to the event, please take it home with you. In the past, we’ve seen fursuits left on the boat, diapers left in the trash, and other personal items discarded at venues. Please take all your stuff with you.
Just like camping: pack it in, pack it out.
If you lose any of your belongings, we do a best-effort lost and found, including looking for things during teardown. During event, find us at our merch and info booth. Items get returned there. After the event, reach out to us. If we have your stuff, we will get it back to you.
The venue is the boat, bar, club, or other place where we’re holding the event. DON’T BREAK IT!!! This includes the venue, the venue’s staff, FetchNW staff, security, EMT’s, etc.— don’t break them either.
Don’t set fire to the venue. Don’t smash the venue. Don’t flush things down the toilet that shouldn’t be flushed (yes, this has actually happened). Don’t flush yourself. Don’t flush your friends. Don’t flush your underwear. Only flush things that should be flushed.
‘Nuff said.